Whistleblower Contact Information

Meadows Bank is committed to lawful and ethical behavior in all of its activities and requires directors and employees to act in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and policies and to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities.

We have provided a link for you to contact the Bank's Board Chairman and the Board Audit Committee Chairman if you feel you have evidence of questionable activity. 

Reports of concerns, and investigations pertaining thereto, shall be kept confidential to the extent possible. However, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation, the Bank cannot guarantee complete confidentiality.

Please Note: Unsubstantiated allegations that are false and made maliciously can result in employment termination and civil or criminal lawsuits.

**Do Not use this email link if you have banking questions or inquiries. Please contact Meadows Bank at (702) 471-2265 or hereforyou@meadowsbank.com